Sunday, February 15, 2009

I should refute Tish... but...

I come off pretty well in that last one, so I'll let it go. I'll have to get Paulo to write one... but he's reisting... Food moments of day 2... nothing that was mind blowing, but still it was fun for both food and moments. Amazing race moment of the day2: catching ferry on Liberty Island. It's a half hour wait if we missed one, so since we decided we needed to get some food we would catch the next ferry. As we get to the jetty, everybody is already past the gate, and the guy on duty starts shouting at us to hurry and run... after a 100m sprint to the closing gate we make it on to the ferry. Anyways this blog entry has taken 2 and half days to write. Ashif and his peeps are in now... and yesterday we were at the Islander's game. I'll write that one up in a seperate one. But for now, some pics and movies from Day 2.
New York Stock Exchange... Money money money... oh wait maybe... Burn baby burn may be more appropriate
Paulo and I trying to look suitably pious in Trinity Cathedral

Having a heart to heart moment with Paulo...

Pic from the rickshaw ride. I was momentarily distracted.

The "cockney" commentator at work

Bonus pic... Only in NYC moment: We're at a deli enjoying a few drinks, when a garbage truck pulls up. The garbage man throws one bag into the back and then hits the compress button. Just as the garbage is almost fully compressed, the garbage truck spews... I mean it looks liked it was puking... or had a bad case of the runs... anyways right behind the truck is an Infiniti X35 and what do you know, but the truck spews all over the front of the Infinit... ewww...

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